City Taking Aim At Derelict Boats

$63,000 needed to remove 11 boats


Daytona Beach, FL - 11 derelict boats in the Halifax River will be on the minds of city leaders at tomorrow night's meeting (March 4th).

That's because the Daytona Beach Police Department is aiming to remove them from the river entirely.

The agenda for tomorrow night's meeting shows that the police department filled out an application to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission in hopes of securing about $63,000 in grant funds to help remove the boats.

According to the grant application, four of the boats listed are still floating but left unattended in the river, three are either partially or completely grounded while four of them are partially submerged while one is completely submerged and not visible at any tide.

Police also stated in the application that charges have been forwarded to the State Attorney's Office against the owners of the vessels.