Clocks Spring Forward On Sunday

Just like the saying goes, "spring forward, fall back."


Daytona Beach, FL - Not only are clocks springing forward, but there will be a few things you'll have to change around your house come Sunday.

Lawn watering schedules in Volusia County will also change, meaning residents may water their lawns twice a week until standard time resumes on November 7, when the once-a-week schedule returns.

Residents who live at odd-numbered addresses may water Wednesdays and Saturdays, even-numbered addresses may water Thursdays and Sundays, and businesses may water Tuesdays and Fridays. Additionally, each zone of your irrigation system may be watered no more than one hour or three-quarters of an inch a day. Watering is not permitted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Watering restrictions apply to all Volusia residents, including those who live within city limits. Restrictions cover city and county water, private wells and pumps, but do not include reclaimed water. All unincorporated residents who violate the water conservation ordinance may be fined up to $500.

This time change can also be a good reminder to to change the batteries in your smoke alarms.  Volusia County Fire Rescue offers free smoke alarms to residents in unincorporated areas of Volusia County. For more information, visit the county's webpage on smoke detectors.