DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, Fla. - A three year-old was placed in jail for potty issues by Daytona Beach Shores Police officers, according to a stunning new report from the Daytona Beach News-Journal. It's unclear why the child's parents, who are both officers, thought their idea would be an effective or appropriate way to handle routine bathroom issues, but the two have now been exposed for their bizarre conduct. The incident occurred in October 2022.
Lieutenant Michael Schoenbrod of the Daytona Beach Shores Public Safety Department was apparently forthcoming with a caseworker from the Department of Children and Families when investigated. He told the caseworker that the child was crying, as was his intent. The boy reportedly told Schoenbrod, in tears, that he would never poop his pants again.
DBSPSD Sergeant Jessica Long, Schoenbrod's partner, also participated in bringing the child to the jail on October 5th and 6th. The child was handcuffed during the exchange on the 6th. It's not yet known whether the city has disciplined their officers for the charade in any form.
There has, however, been an investigation opened into the pair's conduct by Public Safety Director Michael Fowler, according to the reporting of the News Journal's Mark Harper. The results of this investigation are unknown. The State Attorney's Office opened a case against the two in March, and they responded by filing some sort of case against State Attorney R.J. Larizza.
Also according to Harper's report, Schoenbrod admitted to disciplining his then-four-year-old son the same way after issues in preschool some nine years ago. He chalked his response up to discipline. It certainly was, among other things, discipline.