VCSB Moves Forward With Spring 2021 Education Plan


DeLand, FL - The Volusia County School Board is moving forward with the Volusia County Schools district Spring 2021 Education Plan. This follows along with last month’s Florida Department of Education emergency order. The order allows for VCS to continue innovative learning modalities such as the remote Volusia Live.

Highlights of VCS’ Spring 2021 Education Plan and Assurances include:

  • Spring Intervention Plan: focuses on closing achievement gaps, targeted outreach to failing students, and providing interventions and supports to those transitioning out of the innovative model.
  • Innovative Learning Modality: offered only to students making adequate progress; written acknowledgment required from parent/guardian who continues the innovative model despite a student’s lack of progress.
  • Enhanced Outreach - Truancy/Attendance of Students: identify missing students and transition them back to brick and mortar; identify and engage VPK and kindergarten eligible students to ensure kindergarten readiness.
  • Professional Development: continue to offer professional development to teachers so they can navigate the innovative modality, provide interventions to students, and leverage technology.

The VCS plan for the second semester must be submitted to FLDOE by Dec. 15 and is being drafted now.  Families currently enrolled in Volusia Live will be surveyed in early January to determine whether a student will continue in the remote option for the spring semester, which begins on January 26.

Per VCS, here are other items of note from yesterday's (December 8) meeting:

  • The board approved the purchase of 200 carts for housing new iPads being purchased for use by kindergarten through second-grade students as part of the district’s new 1:1 technology program. The $128,464 purchase is from GovConnection Inc., aka Connection Public Sector Solutions.
  • The board approved the 2020-2021 salary schedule for a 2.5% raise non-bargaining employees (levels 1-8 only) and technical support personnel for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
  • The board recognized One Daytona and Gallery500 for providing exhibition opportunities for art students and for donating $15,000 to VCS arts programs.
  • The board recognized Security First Insurance for donating 117 Chromebooks, 90 Dell desktop computers, and 132 monitors to Ormond Beach and Osceola elementary schools.
  • The board appointed Michelle M. Brown as Assistant Principal at Champion Elementary School. Brown previously had been a Teacher on Assignment at the school.
  • The board approved a grant application to the Florida Department of Education for a Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant that would provide funds to implement a heating and air conditioning services education program into the district’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) curriculum.
  • The board approved a contract to provide licensed teachers for the visually impaired/orientation and mobility. Vendor Soliant Health will provide instructional services for students with visual impairments.
VCSB, VCS, remote learning, Spring semester