Volusia County Council Approves Funding For Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services


DeLand, FL - The Volusia County Council approved a request from the Volusia County Community Services, Community Assistance Division on Tuesday for match funding to local nonprofit agencies for the delivery of substance abuse and mental health services. The county will be matching state funds for these services.

Funding of $3,694,663 for this required match is included in the Community Assistance
Division's budget for the current fiscal year, leaving a balance of $676,089. Council members chose Option D. which would cover that balance with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.

Ben Johnson made the motion to approve Option D, seconded by Billie Wheeler. District 1 representative Barb Girtman said that mental health services were important before COVID-19 and are much-needed.   "I think it was there before the pandemic but certainly I'm 110 percent in support of fully funding this request and using those ARPA funds which were identified for that, so, I certainly support that effort."

Community Assistance Director Carmen Hall requested an amendment to the option council members were voting on, asking that County Manager George Recktenwald be given authority to enter into Subrecipient Agreements with those organizations receiving ARPA
funding. "Because we will need to prepare additional contracts, separate contracts, for the ARPA funding. If you could give the county manager authority to sign those, I'd really appreciate it."

Here are the words of the option chosen: 

Option D would fund each agency at their requested amount using a combination of general
fund and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars totaling $4,370,752. This option would
fund Children's Home Society at their requested amount of $59,752 and the House Next Door
at their requested amount of $78,353. Halifax Hospital Medical Center and SMA Healthcare
requested an increase. Of the $603,901 requested by Halifax Hospital Medical Center, ARPA
funding in the amount of $123,521 would be used for an expansion of services at Halifax
Behavioral Services and in the Pediatric Emergency Department and $480,380 of general fund would be contributed toward the balance of local match required. Of the $3,628,746 requested by SMA Healthcare, ARPA funding in the amount of $552,568 would be used for an increase in operating expenses due to COVID and $3,076,178 in the general fund would be contributed toward the balance of the local match required. This option would deplete the FY 2021/22 budget and include $676,089 in ARPA funding.